You want people to know about your business or event (or maybe not), then you should work with John Drummey Communications. where a range of PR services are available who will create a Press Release that will get to the news desk, relevant social media and ultimately your customers or audience rather than ending up in the waste-paper basket.
A picture paints a thousand words, well I work with only the best PR photographers, graphic designers and videographers who know how to deliver what you want.
John Drummey Communications helps you to prepare a media strategy to eliminate the potential pit-falls. And don’t worry about talking to the media. Together we’ll working on how to develop your interview skills so that you are comfortable when talking to the radio, newspaper, television and You Tube audiences.
John Drummey Communications will offer advice on how to deal with any potentially sticky and tricky situations that may require Crisis Management. It’s always helpful to have an experienced journalist in your corner to help you cope with the demands associated with such tricky situations.
We can also offer advice and work with you to improve internal communications issues or to develop a system where none exists. If the people on the team don’t know what’s going on, then how can you expect your customers to get the full story about what you have to offer.
And don’t worry about talking to the media. Together we’ll working on how to develop your interview skills so that you are comfortable when talking to the radio, newspaper, television and other audiences.