Twice nominated for Speech Broadcaster of the Year in the Irish Radio Awards (PPI), John Drummey is the right person to provide you with Professional Media Training.
John Drummey Communications offers Professional Interview Training for both adults, second and third level students as well as children in primary school. It not only helps my clients grow in confidence when promoting their businesses or projects, but it also helps to develop personal self-esteem.
Training courses cover:
• How the traditional (print/broadcast) Irish media industry works at local, regional and national level
• Interview techniques and how to become confident in front of a microphone
• What the media wants and expects from anyone who intends to use the media
• What your audience/customers expect from anyone who uses the media
• When to communicate with and through the media (and when not)
• How and when to write press releases or decide to spend money on advertising
• How to use photo images to your advantage
• How to write & record your own radio commercial
• The role of Graphic Design in promoting your business, event, project
• Maximise the use of Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Youtube