TRALEE risks losing the Tidy Towns Gold Medal that was so hard-won last year unless the town’s famous goodwill and team-spirit are brought to the fore over the coming weeks.
The Tourism Kiosk that is located in the heart of Tralee could also face the prospect of closing earlier each day due to a shortage of volunteers.
The CEO of Tralee Chamber Alliance, Kieran Ruttledge, said: “We badly need volunteers to help us run a number of community initiatives and events over the summer months. Our weekly town clean-ups only attract the same people every week but we need more hands to make light of the work that could help Tralee retain the Tidy Towns Gold Medal. These volunteers need support as a matter of urgency. Tralee has a great tradition of volunteerism as demonstrated during the Rose of Tralee, and we are urging our members and the town in general to give some of their time to help strengthen this tradition.”
The Tourism Kiosk has returned to the town centre for the three summer months to provide a vital service to visitors.
This service is now in jeopardy as only a handful of volunteers have kindly expressed a willingness to man the Kiosk but they are well short of the numbers required to keep it open long-enough each day.
“The Kiosk will operate from 11am to 5pm each day and volunteers are required to do a two-hour shift (11am-1pm; 1pm-3pm or 3pm-5pm). We are badly in need of volunteers to help man the kiosk if any of our members are available to help us, we would be most grateful,” said Kieran Ruttledge.
The upcoming Kerry Activity Experience at the end of June is due to attract large visitor numbers to Tralee and volunteers are required to help marshal the various events, in particular the TriGrandPrix Ireland Tralee Triathlon on Saturday 29th June.
The town clean-up takes place every Thursday evening at 7pm from outside the Grand Hotel on Denny Street. All the materials required to tidy the town are supplied.
Anyone who is interested in helping Tralee to retain the Tidy Town Gold Medal, the Tourism Kiosk or to volunteer to help out with various local events should contact Tralee Chamber Alliance on 066-7117558 or email