PATIENTS in Cork with cardiovascular disease can take heart in the fact that the number of deaths from the disease has been surpassed by the volume of patients enjoying a good quality of life after being treated for the disease.
Consultant Cardiologists from Mater Private Cork briefed 80 hospital and GP practice nurses from the Cork and Kerry region on the positive developments that have resulted in early diagnosis and advancements in treatment.
A day-long Cardiology Study Day updated cardiac nurses from public and private hospitals on the care of the cardiology patient in the clinical setting with a special focus on heart failure, rehabilitation and assessment.
Dr Ronan Margey, Consultant Cardiologist at Mater Private Cork, said: “Despite marvellous improvements in cardiovascular disease mortality over the last 30 years, mostly shaped through improved preventative care at primary care level, cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of mortality in Irish Society. A better understanding of the assessment and care of patients who present to a clinical setting has facilitated a more rapid assessment and treatment system. The skills and knowledge from the Study Day, if utilised appropriately, will assist in the delivery of high-quality care to patients.”
Four full-time Consultant Cardiologists at Mater Private Cork, Dr Ronan Margey, Dr Maheshwar Pauriah, Dr James Dollard and Dr Barry Hennigan facilitated the nurses with news about a wide variety of developments in interventional cardiology along with nursing assessment and care of individuals with a diagnosis of, or symptoms suggestive of cardiac health issues.
Nurse-led presentations focused on Heart Failure Management, Chest Pain Assessment and Cardiac Rehabilitation Case Studies.
“It’s essential for all practitioners to develop a greater knowledge base in the area of cardiology, an understanding of current treatment processes for cardiology patients and gain first-hand experience of assessment, care and treatment of the cardiac patients,” said Dr Ronan Margey.
Nurses from hospitals, including Mater Private Cork, as well as nurses from medical practices in the Cork and Kerry area took part in the event at the Maryborough House Hotel, Cork.
The Heart & Vascular Centre at Mater Private Hospital Cork provides a wide range of comprehensive Invasive and Non-invasive Cardiovascular Services. Patient care is handled by a multi-disciplinary team of world class experts and specialists covering the full spectrum of cardiac conditions.
For more details, contact the Heart & Vascular Centre at Mater Private Cork on 021 601 3258 or email